Archive | July 2014

You Might Just as Well Try to Rehabilitate Charles Manson


Here’s a news item that you may have missed:

“Beachgoers in New York and New Jersey were outraged when they saw a plane towing a banner with swastika imagery Saturday afternoon.

“Promoting the Web site, an organization called The International Raelian Movement aimed to reclaim the swastika symbol, saying it was ‘hijacked by the Nazis.’

“The plane flew over Coney Island and Long Beach as part of what the group has dubbed Swastika Rehabilitation Week 2014 to promote peace. The banner contained a swastika, Star of David and a peace sign.

“Similar events have occurred in Miami, London and Brisbane, Australia.”

Other sources have reported that, as part of this international effort to rehabilitate this symbol of hate, selected tattoo parlors have also been offering reduced prices on tattoos featuring swastikas.

At first when I read these news items, I thought that all of this was either another…

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Louis Gohmert Said Something Stupid–Again


Texas Congressman Louis Gohmert has jumped on the Far Right bandwagon that has become very crowded with those eager to denounce President Obama’s most recent “failure of leadership”: specifically, his “failure” to visit the U.S.-Mexican border while he was in Texas to discuss possible responses to the “flood” of desperate Central American children who are now overwhelming the available detention centers in the U.S.

Gohmert stated in an interview on FOX News: “’You remember the abuse that President Bush took when that picture came to light of him looking out the window of the plane down at New Orleans after Katrina? Well, this president won’t even look out the window.’”

I am certain that Gohmert thinks that this was a very witty attack on President Obama, a comparison that makes him look worse than George W. Bush and therefore makes George W. Bush look better by comparison–even if the comparison…

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What to Expect after the Hobby Lobby Decision


If one wants to know what to expect after the Supreme Court’s decision on the Hobby Lobby case, one need only to look at what has followed two other recent and controversial decisions by the Roberts Court.

In April, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court upheld a Michigan ban on affirmative action. Justice Roberts famously asserted that we are now living “in a post-racial world” in which racial preferences no longer serve any clear and overarching purpose.

That decision was followed by the release of Danette Gerald and Kati Haycock’s report, Engines of Inequality: Diminishing Equity in the Nation’s Premier Public University. Funded in part with a grant from the Lumina Foundation, the report provides extensive statistical evidence that the percentage of students of color at the flagship public universities in each of the fifty states has been dramatically declining, especially since the Great Recession. As state support…

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