Archive | April 2016

Even from Nasty People, This Stuff Is Very Nasty


Here is an excerpt from a recent piece by Ann Coulter for Breitbart:

“Voters quickly moved on from Cruz and tried Kasich. But he turned out to be the spitting image of a homeless man. He’s got the slouch, the facial tics, and a strange way of bouncing his head and looking around that makes you want to cross the street to avoid him. It looks like he cuts his own hair, and his suits are Ralph Nader cast-offs. He wolfs down food like a street person, has a hair-trigger temper, and rants about religion in a way that only he can understand.

“Kasich is constantly proclaiming that illegals are ‘made in the image of God,’ and denounces the idea of enforcing federal immigration laws, saying: ‘I don’t think it’s right; I don’t think it’s humane.’

“When asked about his decision to expand Medicaid under Obamacare—projected to cost federal taxpayers…

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Bobby Knight on Donald Trump


This evening, former Indiana basketball coach Bobby Knight introduced Donald Trump at a rally in Indianapolis.

Knight called Trump “the most prepared man in history to step in as president of the United States”–adding for emphasis, “There has never been a presidential candidate prepared to the length that this man is.”

As the crowd cheered, I asked the television rhetorically, “How, exactly, is Trump at all prepared to be president.”

Shortly after that assertion, Knight compared Trump to Harry Truman: “They talk in a negative way when they want to about Donald, and say he isn’t presidential. I don’t know what the hell that means. To me I think of Harry Truman. They said Harry Truman wasn’t presidential. And damn he went on to be one of the three best presidents in US history. [Trump] will at some point be one of those also.”

At just about that time, thunder…

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National Review Describes the “Moderate” Republican


There has been a great deal of talk about John Kasich’s “moderate” positions that will presumably make him attractive to some broad swathe of American voters in the general election should he somehow be able to secure the Republican nomination.

In today’s edition of Morning Jolt newsletter for the National Review, Jim Geraghty discusses the agreement between the Cruz and Kasich campaigns to stop competing against each other in the Indiana, new Mexico, and Oregon primaries. I have highlighted in bold Geraghty’s capsule descriptions of Governor Kasich’s core positions and his campaign persona:

“Mike Huckabee, always good for a statement that is dumb, declares, “Cruz, Kasich join forces to stop Trump. I wish they wanted to stop Hillary and much as they did the Republican who is beating both of them.”

“First, do you think Ted Cruz doesn’t want to beat Hillary? Do you think John Kasich doesn’t…

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