Archive | September 2020

How States Are Voting in the 2020 Election

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH This color-coded map indicating the proportionate number of votes for each state was created for a detailed article published by the New York Times. A somewhat more up-to-date…

Source: How States Are Voting in the 2020 Election

I Guess That Outrage Just Ain’t What It Used to Be

BY MARTIN KICH You may remember (it was less than a decade ago, though that hardly seems possible) when this salute with a hand holding a styrofoam coffee cup was considered an unforgivable insult …

Source: I Guess That Outrage Just Ain’t What It Used to Be

President Truman’s Labor Day Address in Cadillac Square, Detroit

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH September 06, 1948 This, in my opinion, is a great day for labor. This is a great day for the country. When I can stand on this same platform in the city of Detroit with the M…

Source: President Truman’s Labor Day Address in Cadillac Square, Detroit