Archive | April 2020

On This Workers’ Memorial Day

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH This holiday is not as well-known as May Day, Memorial Day, or Labor Day. But, especially during this pandemic, when many non-unionized, low-wage workers are in the “front lin…

Source: On This Workers’ Memorial Day

Maybe Cancelling Commencements Was Not a Completely Terrible Idea

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH The Atlantic’s weekly collection of news photos included one of the cadets graduating from the Air Force Academy. It prompted me to look for a fuller selection of photos of th…

Source: Maybe Cancelling Commencements Was Not a Completely Terrible Idea

Tiananmen Square—if the People in the Tanks Were Just Jackasses

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH This photo taken by Alyson McClaran for Reuters should provoke immediate associations for most readers of this blog: I know that I was immediately fascinated by and moved by t…

Source: Tiananmen Square—if the People in the Tanks Were Just Jackasses

The CARES Act Allocations to Higher Ed: The Checks Are in the Mail or Will Be in the Mail, at Some Point

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH The Department of Education just distributed this press release. It appears to be a formal announcement of the monies that we have all been discussing for several weeks. It se…

Source: The CARES Act Allocations to Higher Ed: The Checks Are in the Mail or Will Be in the Mail, at Some Point

Another Casualty of COVID-19

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH Off and on throughout last evening, I checked the results of the election for the seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. If you have not seen the results, here’s how the electio…

Source: Another Casualty of COVID-19

An English Professor Promotes the Value of Math Courses

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH In all sorts of ways and on all sorts of levels, the Coronavirus crisis is making the case for the value of a liberal arts education and of general-education courses. As a pro…

Source: An English Professor Promotes the Value of Math Courses

The Weight

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH As musicians and other performing artists cope with the abrupt interruption of their professional lives, clips of bands and orchestras performing together while apart have bec…

Source: The Weight

One of the Great Unsung Heroes of Ordinary Americans

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH If one showed most Americans this photo, they would have no idea who the woman was: If one added this next photo, a few might guess that she was Eleanor Roosevelt, standing in…

Source: One of the Great Unsung Heroes of Ordinary Americans