Archive | June 2020

Mass Poor People’s Assembly and National Moral March on Washington, DC: A Digital Gathering

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH The event’s Digital Toolkit includes Quick Links to a variety of resources, including detailed and illuminating State Fact Sheets. At the bottom of the page, there are also la…

Source: Mass Poor People’s Assembly and National Moral March on Washington, DC: A Digital Gathering

Why Billionaires Want You to Opt Out of Your Union

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH This message is borrowed from our friends at the Ohio Federation of Teachers (OFT). Educators in Ohio are starting to be contacted by “The Freedom Foundation” to encourage the…

Source: Why Billionaires Want You to Opt Out of Your Union

A Fundamental Change That Police Unions Need to Make

BY MARTIN KICH It is woefully obvious that individual police officers, police departments, and the municipal governments that fund law enforcement and define its responsibilities have a whole host …

Source: A Fundamental Change That Police Unions Need to Make

In This Pandemic, Ohio’s Colleges and Universities Are Serving the Public Good

BY MARTIN KICH Ohio’s colleges and universities are contributing in uncountable ways to the state’s efforts to contend with the coronavirus pandemic. Our faculty have provided expertise that has he…

Source: In This Pandemic, Ohio’s Colleges and Universities Are Serving the Public Good

Corporatization, Commodification, and Hyper-Politicization

BY MARTIN KICH The following two charts, which were included in an article from Brookings but taken from the sources indicated below them, suggest how closely the much-reported, mixed perceptions o…

Source: Corporatization, Commodification, and Hyper-Politicization

Ohio State Athletics Director’s Statement in Support of Black Lives Matter

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH Gene Smith is a Senior Vice President and Wolfe Foundation Endowed Athletics Director at The Ohio State University. Today, he released the following statement supporting the B…

Source: Ohio State Athletics Director’s Statement in Support of Black Lives Matter